How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Fast : Make Up Tutorial

Easy Make Up Tutorial


For all you moms out there, I have a new ( and simple) make-up technique that’s going to get rid of those pesky dark circles under our eyes that will make you look incredible!

Between making meals, school drop off and pick up, dance classes, and swimming lessons -sleep isn’t something we get to do very often, or for very long.

In just 3 simple steps we’re going to go from zomb-mom to super-mom and while we may not be wide awake, we sure will look it! ????

Watch the video below for the complete tutorial or scroll down for this quick and easy make-up look…

This is technique is a quick three step process that will leave you looking awake, refreshed, and youthful.

Step 1

  •   Choose a colour corrector that is a shade opposite of the colour of your dark circles. i.e. peach cancels out dark blue/black circles. 
  •   Using your finger, take a small amount of the colour corrector and dab it wherever the discolouration occurs. 

Step 2

  •   Take a thick, creamy concealer, and squeeze a small amount onto the back of your hand. My fave is this Skin Perfecting Concealer by Younique. Using a colour that is two shades lighter than your skin tone will help you look even more awake.
  •   With a concealer brush, apply a layer of concealer under your eye in an upside down triangle and fill it in. 
  •   Next, take a damp blending bud, and blend the concealer in so there are no harsh lines. 

Step 3

  •   The last step is to take a translucent setting powder with a triangle sponge and pack it on the under eye area.
  •   Let it sit for about 5 minutes and brush off with a puff brush

These steps will conceal and reduce the appearance of any dark circles as well as get rid of any deep-set creases under your eyes, leaving you with neutralized, fresh, and awake looking eyes.

When you look good, you feel good. Thanks to this simple beauty hack, you may have only gotten 2 hours of sleep, but that’s our little secret!

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